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New Yoga Block Roller Massage Eva Fitness Foam Roller Massage Pilates Body Exercises Gym with Trigger Points Training

  30/45/60cm Yoga Block Roller Massage Eva Fitness Foam Roller Massage Pilates Body Exercises Gym with Trigger Points Training   Product Description: 1. Product code: EPP Yoga Column / Yoga Shaft / Foam Shaft 2. Product color: black 3. Material: EPP 4. Material advantages: light weight, high hardness (50 or...
color :
Dark Gray


881 En stock


30/45/60cm Yoga Block Roller Massage Eva Fitness Foam Roller Massage Pilates Body Exercises Gym with Trigger Points Training


Product Description:

1. Product code: EPP Yoga Column / Yoga Shaft / Foam Shaft
2. Product color: black
3. Material: EPP
4. Material advantages: light weight, high hardness (50 or so)

5. Product name: Deep Massage Effect EPP Material Foam Roller Yoga Column Shaft Fitness Bar


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