Mar 24 , 2024
Tattoo Removal Kits That Work - Are They Safe and Effective?
Tattoo Removal Kits That Work - Are They Safe and Effective?
As a tattoo removal specialist, I see a lot of patients with regrets over their exes’ names, tribal trends, or poorly executed booze-fueled removal kits that work Until recently, the only ways to remove a tattoo were expensive excision surgery (which leaves a noticeable scar) or damaging lasers that often resulted in skin discoloration and nerve damage. Now, there’s a new game in town: DIY at-home tattoo removal kits that promise to remove unwanted ink. But are they safe and effective?
Unfortunately, most at-home tattoo removal kits are just repackaged bleaching creams that are no more effective than the products you can find in your local removal kits that work Even worse, some of these kits actually contain dangerous acids and dermabrasion tools that can cause severe skin damage. These damaged skin areas are often left open to infection, which can lead to permanent scarring, hyperpigmentation, and other serious health problems.
The only thing a tattoo removal cream can do is fade the ink of an unwanted tattoo by bleaching and stripping the outer layer of the skin. The FDA warns that these products may cause itchy rashes, skin discoloration, and permanent scarring. And, some tattoo removal creams contain hydroquinone, a skin lightener that can be very harmful to darker skin tones.
Many ill-informed people attempt to burn their tattoos away using a blow torch or lighter in the hope that the ink will scab and fade. But this method is ineffective, painful, and dangerous. Tattoo ink is embedded deep in the dermis, and burning it will only cause scarring and skin discoloration. Infection, scarring, and nerve damage are also possible.
While there are a few reputable tattoo removal kits on the market, they still don’t compare to professional laser treatments. A professional tattoo removal specialist uses an FDA-approved laser machine to safely shatter the ink particles of an unwanted tattoo so the body’s immune system can clear them over time. A professional laser technician is trained to select the right wavelengths and pulse powers to get the best results with the least amount of pain and side effects.
If you are considering trying a at-home tattoo removal kit, consider this:
This product from NEATCELL uses a low-frequency high-intensity pulsed-dye light (HIPL) that targets and absorbs the ink pigments of an unwanted tattoo. It’s not suitable for all ink colors, however, as it can only effectively treat black and dark blue ink pigments. It’s a good choice for those with small tattoos or who are worried about the pain of an at-home laser treatment. It has a built-in contact skin cooler to keep the skin protected and comfortable, and it’s easy to use. It’s also very affordable.